Introducing Acuro

Introducing Acuro

After a number of very successful years operating as White Beech Consulting, the company directors have taken the decision to update the brand by implementing a new name and logo. This change reflects a shift into more corporate-and-business-oriented consulting work. The new brand is a powerful example of our focus on visual communication, with the icon resembling the capital ‘A’ from Acuro, as well as signifying our overarching drive and motivation to help our clients improve their businesses and achieve their goals. As we move forward with our new name in 2013, our clients will come to associate Acuro with enhancing business through creative strategies, structured planning and expert mentoring.

As for our name, Acuro, it brings together the word ‘acuity’ meaning insight and knowledge with the Latin term ‘curo’ meaning to guide, care or manage. It is a name that aptly describes our broad expertise in business management and collaborative working style.