Circular Rhythm

Loading suitcases into jets at the Gold Coast airport was not how talented surfer, musician and songwriter, Lucas Proudfoot, wanted to be spending his days. Lucas’ challenge was in how to establish a sustainable business model that allowed him to focus solely on his new business and cease external employment. Lucas contacted Acuro to talk about his business concept and we responded with a business plan and mentoring that enabled him to build the critical skills needed to run all aspects of the business such as bookkeeping, cashflow management and marketing. A new brand, website and digital brochure were developed to build up the profile of the business in key target markets. The results speak for themselves with Lucas being able to transition from paid external employment to focus solely on his new business within 6 months. Lucas reports that his income is now at a sustainable level and he has bookings confirmed well into 2013.

Hear Lucas perform or catch up with one of his shows at

Planning with Acuro made sense. It was easy to understand the process and I am now really clear about my direction. It’s been great giving up work to focus on my passion which is music and performing.
Lucas Proudfoot, Owner